The power of men and their authentic leadership

I recently spent the weekend with 11 men who were comfortable sitting in presence, feeling their emotions and being vulnerable. How that looked for each man was different, but the power was apparent, flowing, vulnerable, and beyond any previous experience I had with men.

“The real ceremony begins where the formal one ends, when we take up a new way, our minds and hearts filled with the vision of earth that holds us within it, in compassionate relationship to and with our world.”

– Linda Hogan, from the Native American Chickasaw Tribe

Many of my communications are directed to women, but today I want to talk directly to our men.

We all (men and women) need you to stand in your authentic power.

We are each navigating what power looks like in a contemporary world, questioning, growing, shifting and creating new paradigms.

Thank-you to the men who showed me the depth of possibility for the world if we all sit in our authentic power.
This experience has shifted how I will hold space for my male clients, as well as the added depth I know they are capable of.

As women, when we see you owning your power we felt safe, relaxed, vulnerable, and safe to be strong. Speaking for myself, I felt seen, supported, powerful, connected, and a deeper sense of my own potential.

I learnt, that I have been stepping into your energy when I feel you are not yet embodying it. Instead of pausing and waiting for you to take that space.  I vow to witness this in myself and step into the subtle vibration that I carry, rather than yours.

I learnt that whilst the narrative of women’s empowerment is a reality, it is not always supporting our journey as connected men and women. Men, thank-you for showing me that you have the same fears, worries, insecurities as me and the soft confidence you have to keep moving in spite of that fear.

I witnessed, that we are all grappling to understand what it means to be a man and woman in this contemporary world where we see that our previous ways of being are unsustainable. We see that war, draining our planet of her resources or not initiating our young people is not serving our world, overactive sexual centres is not supporting our society.

I felt,  for the first time, that there is a deep power and strength that emerges from within me when I feel men in their heart.

None of us certain where the future is going. But I feel strongly that change really does begin within and vibrate outwards.
We are all holding and supporting each other. Male or female, we are helping each other grow and be stronger for our families, communities, and our expression in the world.

Words are often insufficient to describe the gift standing in your heart is to the world, and to us as strong women.

I deeply honour deeply the powerful role you play in owning your energies, power, and emotions in this collective shift taking place for our society,

Whakamantia ~ from my ever expanding heart to yours,

Image unknown, please contact me if you know the artist so I can credit.