Whatumanawa: Awakening your sovereign heart

 I wanted to share the depth that arises when you begin to work consciously with the whatumanawa, entering, awakening and activating your sacred heart.

I did a search recently to see what is being shared about spiritual awakening and many articles listed the aches, pains, or cognitive challenges (mental illness is often tied with awakening symptoms) that occur in the early stages of your transition.

If you are still feeling the deep physical aches of releasing programming. Still feeling outcast and different from the majority. Experiencing dark nights of the soul, loneliness, sadness, or deep anger as you move from a life ruled predominantly by the mind and society to a life in co-creation with your heart and unique vibration… This piece shares why is beautiful to keep walking on the path of heart and integration. 

Aside from the fact that once you have been woken, it is difficult to sleep again, there are a number of reasons we continue to walk forward on the path of entering our sovereign heart.

? In discovering our heart we are becoming more and more aligned with our sovereign human power.

Our sovereign flow is not about the ecstatic peaks and dives that you also may experience, but a truly aligned, timeless, and most importantly uniquely yours. Your heart space holds your unique vibration where you are alone in your divinity. In this space you may call to your tipuna ~ ancestors, angels, masters, archangels, kaitiaki ~ guides, but you do not need to as your sovereign heart works apart from these.

Your heart has access to all the universal knowledge and will provide itself to you when you are ready.

I recently discovered the word ineffable, which means an essence too magical that it is unable to be described in spoken word. But I will attempt to describe many of the experiences we have on this ineffable path as the energy, signals, synchronicity, and moments of deep communion with the universe. Whilst learning you are a sound of the universe can be empowering and frightening, as you ascend you are both of, and not of the world. But you are present and here with more purpose and intentionality.

You feel as if you have become a part of the symphony.

You feel the energy of gaia as the energy of the world assists you to break through programming and see life with a new lens. A lens that doesn’t prescribe so strictly to time, or social norms and rules, even the spiritual dogma of new age communities.

A lens that asks you to see the truth in the world, even through the crazy can be overwhelming. But you begin to touch your full potential, and truly understand what you are here as, for. You become intimately engaged with the sovereign energy that channels through you. I’ve said it already, and I will say it again. The feeling is indescribable. You begin to play your role deeper and more fully than you were before. Whilst you are continually learning, you are more conscious, more often. As you dive deeper, you feel emotion, but it does not rule you. You have the capacity to share and articulate on a deeper level.

I’ve said it already, and I will say it again. The feeling is indescribable. You begin to play your role deeper and more fully than you were before. Whilst you are continually learning, you are more conscious, more often. As you dive deeper, you feel emotion, but it does not rule you. You have the capacity to share and articulate on a deeper level.

You enjoy being ceremony and connection. Real, deep, true human connection.

You are ceremony. When you become ceremony you enjoy the type of human connection that emerges in ceremony. Not the type of ceremony that needs to be discovered in five steps, but a connection with the energetic call of another being. Of being, walking on earth, of earth communicating and responding to being. Being co-creating with earth. Earth responding to sovereignty. You see the patterns running others, and of course those that are running you. You bow to the power of fear, the fear that you feel and that manifests, and yet you ask it kindly and politely to leave.

Not the type of ceremony that needs to be discovered in five steps, but a connection with the energetic call of another being. Of being, walking on earth, of earth communicating and responding to being. Being co-creating with earth. Earth responding to sovereignty. You see the patterns running others, and of course those that are running you. You bow to the power of fear, the fear that you feel and that manifests, and yet you ask it kindly and politely to leave.

And you continue to be the sound you were made to be, alone, but part of the whole.

You receive more clarity in your life.

Why? Because you question, everything. Everything. This is both an unsettling and a truly liberating experience. As the layers of what you were led to believe slip away, and as you see behind dogma, and spectacle, you feel lighter and lighter, and lighter again. Your heart guides you towards sustainability, genuineness, simple pleasures, those things that align with your soul, design that inspires you.

You are constantly inspired.

Inspired by beauty, inspired by passion. Inspired by transformation. Inspired by emotion (all of it, the hurt, the pain, the laughter, and the joy), because you know that expressed emotion is making a difference, and healing the world. Those who are moving in the world like you begin to find you, and you are inspired by the song they are singing.

Art that moves you, the earth elements leave you breathless, people enchant you, sound moves you, expression moves you.

You don’t have much time for obligation and the word ‘should’ makes you shudder. You begin to want to be of service, not because you ‘should’, not because you are spiritual, but because it feels beautiful to honour other human beings. Because it truly turns you on.

You understand energy in a way you didn’t have access to before. 

Energy exchanges begin to make more sense. You see why you are tired when you take some activities, and why you are energised when you share in others. You are guided to see the way that human beings exchange energy, both in manipulative ways, to gain power, attention, love. perhaps more powerfully you see the potency of willingly gifting energy to others, by showing them how to open their heart on a deeper level.

You see how connecting in co-creation with papatuanuku ~ gaia allows you to have an unlimited, and loving access to your energy source.

You begin to notice how stimuli can change your experience and vibration.

You move differently in your environment as you observe how sound, conversation, and sharing, can engage your energetic pathways and shift your being at a cellular level.

What is in and around your environment matters.

It is an honour to work in this space.

I see how the reverberations of combining our unique heart energy with our womb energies, plays a role in assisting with reclaiming our divine sovereignty. This has powerful impacts on our daily experience and our footprint on our earth. We feel more aligned with our place in the world, and more understanding of humanity.

? Whakamanatia ~

From my ever expanding heart, to yours,

Drumming image credit: @smashedavo_photos