I am never asking you to do anything I wouldn’t do ~ blog by Jarna Saunders from Daya Clarity

《 ROMIROMI 》 I am never asking you to do anything I wouldn’t do, AND… I am so open to taking myself to my depths (in darkness and in light) in my sessions that I receive which means I am really comfortable and confident in you taking yourself to yours.

RomiRomi is not for the faint hearted as it can be extremely painful physically and emotionally. (I don’t say that to scare you but to be transparent with you) It’s a healing for people who are ready to physically heal and also ready to take themselves on to find their “Mana” (internal and external strength)

My experience is that I have found my Mana in my pain and what I mean by that is that I have found the more I have been able to face of with the physical and emotional pain ON the table while receiving RomiRomi the more powerful I have been able to feel and express myself OFF the table.

By “my power” I mean I am now taller, stronger, clearer, softer, more connected with source, guided, can surrender easier, trust deeper (myself and others) I have a knowing inside of me that I listen to above anything else (even when it makes no sense)

RomiRomi has changed my life and the way I want to experience life, it has brought me home to myself, to my family, to my body.

It has guided me to my Mauri (life force) and it supported me to set myself free.

In these photos it brought me back home to the fourteen year old version of myself who was doing some deep healing in taking her body back for herself, taking her love back and forgiving herself for all the “realities about love” that she had created then. God she was lost in lust.

You can see the energetics in the photos, you can see how my body opens and communicates with Gabrielle about where my body is inviting her to go.

Our bodies know exactly what we need and they are always communicating that, always. But it is our job to STOP and listen and co-create with the right person to have these experiences (every session is different)

I am not a fluffy healer but I am a safe and loving one and my friend and mentor @wanderkindenergy has shown me what that looks and feels like and I am so grateful for her and her Manawa.🌿

Huge loves


Jarna Saunders from Daya Clarity is a Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing Training graduate and a woman with a mission on her heart to set you on your PATH of who you truly know you are ♡ She is the founder of #itssafetobesoft. She is a Certified mBit Coach, NLP Practioner, Certified Life Coach and Time Line Therapy Practioner. Jarna practices in Perth, Western Australia.
To connect with Jarna see: 
Photo credit: @shaeweightmanphotography 🔥