Lovelines are the new boundaries

I’ve been looking for an alternative word to ‘boundaries’…. Introducing Lovelines…

The energetic of the term ‘boundaries’ & how it’s being discussed, is necessary, yet felt as some part of the process wasn’t encompassed.

When I read about boundaries, I ‘hear’ people energetically alluding to guidelines, rules or limits around how other people people ‘should’ act towards them. As I write this, and feel into the energy, I feel my belly constricting, I feel energies of control enter my system, a night to ‘defend’ my self-worth, and I feel a sense of my inner warrior arrive. My body and energy is ‘held’ in a solid position in my body and energy field.

There also seems to be some essence of the energy of the Victim/perpetrator.

“These people have done this to me…. and “…now I’ve told them once…” and “…they still won’t listen when I’ve told them what I need so they will never change…”

What likely happened is:

♡ you were deeply courageous, wow, you voiced your truth. This is a moment of celebration!
♡ Your boundary receiver probably didn’t hear your words, but they felt your energy
♡ They felt your uncertainty & fear that perhaps you don’t even deserve what you are asking for.
♡ Or maybe your anger & built up frustration of not listening to your own truth over time (& please do not mistake, I am not blaming you… or them).

♡ No words, lovelines or boundaries entered their awareness…. Just your energy.

The truth is, so often we aren’t even aware of what our boundaries ~ love lines are.

My ponderings on ‘lovelines’ is a work in progress, yet the other day as the word ‘lovelines popped into my mind, I realised this is the energy of how I want to interact with my growing awareness of what sort of energies, people and environments feel best for me.

Yet being open to being in the process of recognition, exploration & excavation of our lovelines as we shift and change feels expansive.

Our boundaries change, our expressions of love change, so do the ways we desire to be treated and so does what we need from our friends, family, lovers and community.

Accepting and loving ourselves for being willing to listen to what the depth of our core is feeling. Love for ourselves when things don’t work out as I hoped at first. Love for having had the courage to begin. Love to gain the energy, courage and respect to keep weaving our lovelines. 
We completely have the right to remove ourselves if that feels right. To be open to meeting others in a space of heart to excavate, share, speak and learn if required (for we may be missing some pieces of the picture. And love to recognise within ourselves that it is such a huge deal to voice needs, desires and lines that we have never voiced before. 
And then the weave of love for other people who are experiencing change in the way we’re wanting to interact, communicate, share and nourish our life force, environment and community. 

We need lovelines to honour our life force, to allow the process of creation and to know ourselves outside the rules and expectations of others. Although our lifeforce can be amplified, nourished and grown, during phases of change, this amplification and solidification of life force and creation requires time. 

Being able to express & maintain these lovelines around our life force rests on us understanding ourselves. The need for lovelines arise when we realise that some of the ways of viewing the world no longer work for us, there’s no right or wrong, there’s just deep love for the potential of creating space and new ways of being in our lives and space. 
Now that to me feels sooooo expansive, 
Arohanuim Aroha mutu ~ love gifted, love received, 
xx Gabrielle Rangihoea