Pillars of Māori Healing: Whakapono ~ Trust

The pillar of Whakapono ~ the energy and knowing of trust of self & steadiness is another important component of our role as a healer.

Depending on our history with holistic practices and Te Ao Wairua ~ the spirit world, building this muscle is a process of observation once neutrality is achieved.

Our mahi, or practice is most effective when one weaves with your tīpuna, the client’s tīpuna, the energy of IO and Whaea Rikoriko the feminine and masculine energy sources, atua, anahera & energies that co-create with you. And this requires trust in these essences to support and guide you in the divine relationship between wairua ~ spirit and the tinana ~ body.

Trust is gained through experience, practicing on different people’s bodies and noticing both the many different ways that people work with their guides and energy, yet also the similarities in how people release, the different levels of pressure, the way you receive guidance and being deeply trusting in your own ability to know you have your own back.

The best way to learn how to trust oneself and their tīpun is to practice on many people’s bodies. This is why clinics are an important resource for you as a healer to build your understanding of the divine appointments we show up for.

Trust intertwines with your groundedness, neutrality, and the next 2 pillars, continual education & personal healing & growth.

Deep love and respect, arohanui,
Gabrielle ❤

P.S feel free to share any thoughts on your own journey with learning to trust your innate healing abilities.