Ep 17. with Healthy touch & the integrity of tension Barefoot Massage with Sarga Bodywork Jivatma Massaguer

Flourishing Healing Practice Podcast
Flourishing Healing Practice Podcast
Ep 17. with Healthy touch & the integrity of tension Barefoot Massage with Sarga Bodywork Jivatma Massaguer

This is one from the archives, a conversation I had with Jivatma Massaguer in April 2020. 

Meet Jivatma Massaguer from Sarga Bodywork

As a bodyworker: Jivatma uses manual therapy to help people gain more fascial freedom and alignment in their bodies as well as reduce stress and tension in their mental and emotional bodies.

As an instructor, Jivatma teaches people how to use their bare feet to deliver myofascial manual therapy techniques.

In collaboration with her co-founder Daniel Tsykayama, Jiva Massaguer is the founder of Sarga Bodywork, a barefoot massage method that employs the use of a fabric strap fastened to a massage table to deliver therapeutic myofascial and deep tissue techniques.

In this episode

♡ The origins of Sarga Bodywork.
♡ The challenges of embodying this practice in the world. 
♡Tensigrity, integrity of tension. 
♡ Healthy touch & a healthy relationship
♡ The use of feet for massage!
♡ The importance of healthy touch.
♡  The importance of remembering and developing a dialogue with our bodies.

What struck me most through this conversation with Jiva was the evolution of her own personal practice and how this wove together an evolution of numerous bodywork, massage and footwork styles. The respect for the foundations and mentors that supported her and her co-founder’s Daniel’s work to evolve to where it is shared now with Sarga Bodywork.


To connect with Sarga Bodywork, see www.sargabodywork.com, facebook or @sargabodywork on instagram

The original edit on youtube

Click here to watch the interview with Jiva Massaguer from Sarga Bodywork