An open letter to the edge walking spiritual warriors

The world is changing.

Do you feel it?

I hope that every time someone casually mentions the word energy, you gasp in amazement.
And tumble through the hills when they acknowledge light (and trauma) coursing through their body.
I hope you bow deeply when spirituality enters corporate settings.
I hope you truly notice that you are no longer alone.

For things are changing. And we, the edgewalkers are being called to change also. 

For those of us who have been travelling beyond the frontiers for a while now, we became accustomed to being the weird ones.
To being the travelling ones.
To being the artist ones.
To being the ones who had difficulty answering that question “So what it is that you do?”

We got used to being the one that people can’t quite put their fingers on.

But now, we are beginning to hear those who would never have dared before quietly seeking our guidance.
Whispering that they have always felt a sense of otherworldliness.
Acknowledging that they cannot quieten that inner yearning any longer.
Seeking comfort that what they are experiencing is normal. 

Many people are beginning to see the fields and forces shaping the world in a way they never had before.
Others are refusing to accept the status quo.
There many who are taking responsibility for the trauma stored in their bodies, recognising that their unconscious programming is also responsible for the position we are in as a society.

All of us know deep in our heart that we have the right to flourish without having to prove ourselves everyday. I see sooooo many people taking massive heart-centred leaps, willing to travel deep into the shadow world as they ultimately realise that healing ourselves ultimately heals the world.

So why am I writing to you dear edgewalker?

Beloved revolutionary, I begin by bowing deeply and reverently to those who have been gathering and holding wisdom at the frontiers.

We have developed many strengths from operating at the edges. We became accustomed to our wisdom being simplified by others to fit into boxes. To be more ‘accessible.’ So we stayed subdued. Waiting.

But now it is time to use that wisdom unapologetically every day.

Our knowings are needed.
It is time for wisdom to be spoken loudly.
Shared generously.

Our inherent ability to push the boundaries is indispensable.
But now we must develop new communication skills.

We, who became so used to being silenced, or disdained must now speak.

It’s a scary proposition if your training has been to hold this space and boundary.
Like me, you probably became used to being independent.
Like me, you often felt misunderstood.
Like me, you may have become selective who you allowed into your inner depths.
Like me, perhaps you assumed that others did not want to hear your voice.
And, like me, you became used to walking this path alone.

And like me, it’s time to celebrate as many awakening souls begin to join you.
Even as you shudder at the merging of old and new paradigms.

This is taking us all some time to adjust.

So gather your strength and wisdom gathered from beyond the frontiers beloved edgewalkers.

It’s time, our world needs us to speak. 

📷 My Mum, Jillian Walker