Ep. 12. We can’t rest on yesterday’s Mana with Melissa Gama

Flourishing Healing Practice Podcast
Flourishing Healing Practice Podcast
Ep. 12. We can’t rest on yesterday’s Mana with Melissa Gama

Devotion, awakening, & shifting consciousness is always avaliable

Our own consciousness & heart pulse is our invitation to infinite space

Melissa Gama worka with individuals and groups as a channel of Divine Source. 

Melissa  aids and assists them on their journey to live heart centered and purpose filled sacred lives. In doing so more peace, joy, love, and abundance are experienced.

Her work takes the form of channeling, shamanism, healing, and artistry. 

In this episode 

We speak in the moment about our evolutions of consciousness, we met at the beginning of sharing our work publicly & we have journeyed through many phases of sharing healing with others, while also healing ourselves. 

At one point, we also touch on the idea of discipline & Melissa later messaged me to say she felt the word she was seeking was actually “devotion” & I so agree. 

So enjoy this connection of devotion. 

To connect with Melissa

Connect with her via Facebook @infinitelysacred