Heart Sharings

Lovelines are the new boundaries

I’ve been looking for an alternative word to ‘boundaries’…. Introducing Lovelines… The energetic of the term ‘boundaries’ & how it’s being discussed, is necessary, yet felt as some part of the process wasn’t encompassed. When I read about boundaries, I ‘hear’ people energetically alluding to guidelines, rules or limits around how other people people ‘should’…

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Māori healing and tears.

Our tears, emotions and deep feelings are so sacred, our screams are so primal and so needed, our voice is so required. ⁠ Recently someone told me that I should share that it is common for tears to come during a Romiromi or Mirimiri session, and this is true. Yet, I have often leant away…

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Kōrero MiriMiri with Simonne Butler ~ Medicine Woman. Activist. Co-Author of “Double-edged Sword The Simonne Butler Story.”

Simonne Butler is a Medicine Woman. Activist. Co-Author of “Double-edged Sword The Simonne Butler Story.” A memoir of violence, survival, healing, and reclamation.  Simonne draws on plant essences, shamanic practices and has gone through many initiations along her path. The ferns Simonne mentions throughout this talk around from First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®,…

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